Compiler Engineer

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for an expert compiler and parallel processing specialist with proven experience in compiler, parallel language and SW support technologies and related commercial design flows and tools such as LLVM and Clang for a new architecture, optimizations, run-time/library support, RISC-V, ISA extensions, instruction set simulators, benchmarking and parallel language implementation. 

You demonstrate a track record of cross-team collaboration, planning, and delivery of high-quality compiler products, language designs, SW simulation tools and sample software.


  • Experience in developing compilers preferably with LLVM, Clang
  • Familiarity with compiler concepts such SIMD, MIMD, Advanced Vector Extensions and Heterogeneous computing High-Performance Computing
  • You have deep knowledge of computer architectures and a solid understanding of mapping code to hardware instructions
  • Experience contributing to the architecture and design of new and existing systems
  • Proven track record in building high-performance and fault-tolerant systems
  • We work in hybrid mode and are thus not picky about which European country you live – you could be based for example in Oulu, Finland or Cambridge, UK. 

If you’re looking to get your hands dirty in designing and developing our groundbreaking Parallel Processing Unit powering up the next generation of high-performance CPUs, apply and send email to and we will get back to you right away.

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We appreciate you contacting Flow. Our team will get in touch with you soon! Have a great day!


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